The Potter and the Clay

“The Lord gave another message to Jeremiah. He said, “Go down to the potter’s shop, and I will speak to you there.” So I did as he told me and found the potter working at his wheel. But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so he crushed it into a lump of clay again and started over”-Jeremiah 18:1-4

GOD has to break our worldly vessels and make us over again. GOD starts right away making us better for HIS use and glory. Just like the people of Israel from the story of the potter and the clay.  Many of GOD’S people today find themselves too much involved with idolizing the things of this world.


“Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.”-Genesis 2:7


The potter has absolute control over the clay. The clay will yield to the potter’s every demand, BECAUSE THE CLAY IS LIFELESS AND HELPLESS IN HIS HANDS. The potter is absolute, meaning that HE has power over the clay, and HIS power is unlimited. No clay can stop the potter, nor can it question HIS right. No clay can resist HIS will, nor alter HIS plans. Indeed we are the clay, and GOD is the potter!

I am so thankful that GOD doesn’t just throw us away, but instead, HE may have to break HIS workmanship all the way back down to the clay, if need be, and strip everything away from us, getting rid of all that unnecessary junk that we created for ourselves, so that HE can start back again with HIS initial plans for HIS masterpiece. It is we who get in GOD’S way of completing HIS masterpiece! It is we who create obstacles for ourselves when we somehow think foolishly that we know better than GOD.

GOD created us for HIS perfect glory. We are HIS masterpiece and HE made HIS plans long ago, just exactly how HE wanted our lives to be. GOD planned ahead of time for how our days on earth would be. We do not know more than GOD, and we for sure cannot make it here on earth without GOD.

I cannot imagine what the world would truly look like without GOD. I am just so very thankful that regardless of what culture does, and how much society says “GOD we don’t need you”, that GOD is still there, even right there within a world that for the most part, rejects its creator. We see from the passages from Jeremiah 18 that these were pertaining to Israel, but these are also applied to us, and as well as our nation, and other nations alike.

GOD always receives us in our old carnal ways, and then HE begins to reshape and mold us into a vessel that HE can use. Our old self and nature are still with us even after we’re saved, but GOD slowly and surely begins a work within us for HIS use and glory. GOD IS THE GREAT POTTER! HE is an expert at what HE does too! Sometimes the clay may need to season a bit to become more workable and useable. The potter may lay the clay aside to wait for when it can be used again, but HE WILL NEVER EVER THROW IT AWAY.

GOD never gives up on us. HIS love for us is more than anything that we could ever imagine. I am so very thankful that even in my times of stubbornness, and the times of my unwillingness to just simply yield to HIM, that through all of it, in spite of me, that GOD still pursued me. GOD kept me safely preserved for this very hour right now that I am living in my life presently right now. GOD saw me returning my life back to HIM.

The biggest regret in my life that I hold is not following GOD’S ways from the time I was first saved, from when I was a young child. I’m sure that this regret will stay with me probably for the rest of my life, but in no way does it hinder me today from being who GOD has called me to be for HIS USE, AND GLORY. I am in no way completely finished though. But I am living my life finally fully for GOD. Everyday presents new beginnings and with new challenges, but I get to start again. I get to choose GOD over the world.

GOD can still use you too, right where you are at right now at this very moment in your life. When you hear HIS voice, don’t put off tomorrow what you know needs to be done today, or for any other time. LIVE FOR GOD RIGHT NOW. DO IT RIGHT NOW. I promise you that you will not be sorry that you did it. I hold onto my past not to allow it to define me any longer, but to instead look back on it, at who I was (then) and to reflect on all that GOD has done for me and my life, and then I take a look at who I have become today. All is owed to JESUS! Everything good that I am today and have become is all because of JESUS!  I am no where near perfected either. CHRIST is still working in my life. HE IS STILL MOLDING ME, AND SHAPING ME INTO HIS IMAGE, but I am still allowing HIM to be present. I know I am better doing life with CHRIST than without.

We don’t know when our time is up here, nor do we know the day that JESUS will return here for us. I know that I have wrote that a lot in my blogs, but it’s only because it’s the truth. We are either are going to die one day here, or we who belong to CHRIST will be taken in HIS coming rapture. Either way, the rest of the truth is that we will pass over from this life to the next one. How we live our life here determines who we really belong to from the Fruit we bear, or not. Who we belong to determines where we will spend our final destination; where we will spend eternity. Eternity is forever lasting. Eternity is what we should be living for!

Allow that to really sink in. Think about that. Think about this too: For those of us who believe in JESUS, and believe that JESUS IS THE CHRIST, we that belong to HIM, at our death, if we find that we were wrong about JESUS being real and all, (IF), then we have lost NOTHING at our death from holding onto those beliefs, but for you who do not believe in JESUS, nor do you belong to HIM, because you flat out reject HIM, at your death, if you were wrong about him, YOU WILL HAVE LOST EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! You will also spend your eternity SEPARATED from GOD.

We do not get to have it both ways here. You make your choice.

Good day to all!

❤️ Shellie Maheu

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