Exposing the Seducing Spirit


“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”- Hosea 4:6 

“Therefore my people will go into exile for lack of understanding; those of high rank will die of hunger, and the common people will be parched with thirst.”- Isaiah 5:13

Key verse Hosea 4:6*

Knowledge is a powerful tool from GOD, but it has to be put to use, because it’s only powerful IN USE. Knowledge helps reveal so many hidden truths. GOD’S people are anything but commoners!! People of GOD were in fact created to be ROYAL! GOD created all mankind in HIS image and likeness. So anyone who belongs to JESUS CHRIST, belongs to the one and the only almighty GOD. GOD sees us as Royalty! GOD laid out the foundation of the entire world. Everything that has breath here, and throughout the entire universe, is because of GOD! GOD planned our lives out long ago. Our lives were predestined, and pre-planned out. You can believe this, because it is indeed true!! Here is some food for thought: the devil also sees us just exactly how GOD sees us too! He sees how GOD created each of us with special gifts. The devil is so threatened by us too, so he comes to KILL, STEAL, AND to DESTROY US. It doesn’t matter how it has to happen either, because Satan plans this out daily and he will stop at nothing!

We know that Satan hates GOD, and so Satan also hates all of GOD’S people too! Satan sees us a huge threat, and so he absolutely will stop at nothing too to take us out. Satan will use anything and anyone that he can to take us down too! You can take that piece of information to the bank, because it’s of more value than any amount of money!!!!!!! TRUTH is powerful! Knowledge is VERY powerful. The closer we get to GOD, the more we deepen our relationship with HIM. The deeper the relationship, the more we desire with our free will, to walk in obedience to HIM. The more we walk in obedience, the more authority we obtain! The more authority we have, more things that were once hidden to us(because we were living on Spiritual milk, not solid foods), the more hidden becomes revealed, and the more hidden things that becomes reality to us, makes us a HIGH TARGET to Satan! This is going to be a rich and satisfying read today, and it will be long, and it will have to be done too in other continued writings. So stay with me please.

My momma always tells me regularly “Don’t let anyone take your joy away”

Satan, using his plan to steal, plans daily to take our joy away. Our total happiness and joy is up for grabs, (only if we allow it), but if we are not careful, we can downplay the things Satan does so easily. Satan is trying to disrupt our walk with the LORD! He knows that If he can do this, that he can undermine us! If we aren’t careful, HE CAN DESTROY US! We have to absolutely remain ON GUARD, and we must be doing this at all times too!

Last week, I did a write up regarding a recent “up close and personal” encounter I had of Spiritual Warfare, if you’ve not read it yet, please go find it, and read that.

I felt led to do more writing on that subject this morning. I am still just in the “learning phase” and stages of this myself. Regardless, I am absolutely using any and all of my recent experiences AS THEY HAPPEN, to document it, and take what I learn, and AS I LEARN and share it with as many folks as I can.  I believe that this will really be very useful to many people.

Let me add, I use to blindly believe that a “seducing spirit” could not in anyway inhabit a Christian. I believe now though the opposite for how untrue that really is. One thing that I have also discovered from being exposed myself to a seducing spirit, and in which mine was an unforgiving spirit that was also mixed in with pride too. Pride is absolutely blinding. It not only can be very debilitating to a Christian’s real walk too with the LORD, because pride keeps us from examining our own selves! We must be in CONSTANT examination of ourselves of who we are, and right where we are at within our DAILY walk within the LORD!.. Remember, JESUS rebuked Satan out of Peter, who was one of the most faithful deciples that walked and talked regularly WITH JESUS, and saw HIS miracles performed. So if Satan can get into a man of such faith like Peter, then NO ONE HERE IS OFF LIMITS!.. We have to constantly do self examination!

Regardless if you consider yourself a “lightweight” or a “heavyweight” Christian, and I am referring to your walk with CHRIST right now, and how that doesn’t really matter to a seducing spirit, but if you are in a “lighter walk” with CHRIST right now, meaning that in some, if not many areas, you’ve not totally surrendered certain specific areas to CHRIST, then this devotional today is probably not going to make a lot of sense to you, in fact, you might even think that today’s writing has no value at all, but you can believe this, that is simply from having a lack of understanding, and GOD’S WORD, which NEVER returns back void, says that we are in fact DESTROYED here from lack of knowledge!!

If you are a person who is considered to be of higher rank, that is by walking in total obedience to GOD, realizing also that you still too fall short, because we all do, but still walking in more obedience, or not so much, grace is still extended to all, but if this is you, the “heavyweight” Christian, you may believe it, but then you may also somehow allow yourself to believe that because you’re walking in such obedience, that this somehow cannot happen/apply to you, so in thinking this way, is actually prideful, because Spiritual Warfare is real and it in fact applies to us all, “lightweights”, and to us “heavyweights”, and to the unbelievers too. Believing that this cannot happen to you is simply another lie from the enemy himself!

Believe me this writing today IS FOR EVERYONE with eyes to see, and ears to listen! No matter which of these categories of people that we are relating ourselves with, (and I pray that it’s at least one of the two), but hopefully the latter, because Spiritual Warfare is absolutely real! The weaker Christian is the one it can easily influence and from all that I have read over and over, people who may have the Jezebel spirit, possibly do not even realize it! It knows how to keep it’s presence HIDDEN to the host, who it has inhabited.

I cannot imagine walking around life, living in this world, and being an unbeliever, especially in the day that we are living in right now! Unbelievers do not have access to this knowledge of this specific subject, or anything biblical for that matter! Please keep this one thought in mind, ANYTHING that is not from GOD, is not of any good for you, for me, or for anyone, but especially to the Christian! If it’s not from GOD, it’s of no use to me!

Submit yourselves, then, to GOD. Resist the devil, and HE will flee from you. Come near to GOD and HE will come near to you-James 4:7-8

I must run from anything that is not of GOD!! If it’s not from GOD, I must RID MYSELF ENTIRELY FROM IT! Take this crumb of advice, and believe me, and if you will apply it, you’ll see CHANGES, more importantly, you’ll be able to hear from GOD, more and more, because our minds will be DECLUTTERED, and our minds and especially our hearts must be rid of junk, to be able to hear from GOD, and we need to hear HIM louder than any other voices especially in these last days! So if it ain’t from GOD—DON’T TOUCH! DON’T TASTE! If it ain’t from GOD, do not have ANY part in it!

I am going to share some seducing spirit traits that I have witnessed(and please refer to my writing on Spiritual Warfare too, because that breaks it down even more too) and I believe a seducing spirit can seep into any crack that’s left open! I am referring here to anything that we are not guarding ourselves from with that beautiful knowledge that GOD gives to HIS ROYAL PEOPLE!…

First let me ask, do we believe that we can somehow quite the HOLY SPIRIT? We absolutely can by something that we know deep down is sinful that we simply downplay as harmless, but sin is sin, always and always in the eyes of the LORD. GOD’S WORD reminds us to COME OUT OF BABYLON, do not partake in any of it! That means don’t TOUCH! Have no part!

For the fact of how there are SO MANY traits to a seducing spirit, and to not make this so much longer than it should, I am going to touch alot on the knowledge that I have been shown in how just from watching certain Television, and what we are taking in, especially in music, how those two can influence our minds, and can even invite seducing spirits right into our homes.

Music was created by GOD and for GOD. Secular music has some for real hidden meaning and messages. If we don’t really know what words we are singing to from a certain song, but because it has a good rhythm to it, and the flow of it, we still take it in, and so we receive it into our minds as harmless, but if it’s not of GOD, it’s absolutely in fact harming us.

I haven’t listened to secular music in at least 7 years, and I have felt a real inner peace since letting it go. It was NOT easy either. My mind was at one time, so cluttered with junk, I never thought I’d listen to anything but heavy metal music, which use to be my favorite.

Music affects our moods too in such a huge way. Secular music and television absolutely have hidden meaning and messages, and for that, listening to secular music invites seducing spirits in. This is leaving a loop hole open. A Christian cannot afford that in his/her walk. We cannot allow anything left open for Satan to creep back into. He uses so much here too!!!!

Earlier this year my husband and I participated in a fast together with our church. There are all types of fast you can do, and that we can do at the start of the New year, and he chose to do without television for the entire 2 week fast. I had chosen to do without eating meat, but since we are married, I had to also do without television too. I have to admit, at first, I found that giving up TV was more challenging to me, than giving up eating meat.

A fast though is suppose to not only be challenging, but its purpose is to help you learn to depend on GOD more. It teaches you to reach out to the LORD during your weaker moments! I found that doing without it definitely didn’t hurt either of us. I was so very proud too of my husband because he set this goal, and because of the LORD’S strength, both me and my husband accomplished this together! We made it without television for an entire two week time span! I have to say too that the one thing I noticed, and really stood out to me like never before, was how our home without television was so very peaceful. I am not saying that my home is not peaceful with television running, but without it gave us both a double dose of peace that we absolutely needed! GOD knows exactly what we need, and how much of it we need too.

I think that we can do without many things we think we can’t here too, things that we think are harmless, because anything that we are doing in life that would cause grievances to GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT is in fact harming our walk with HIM!

We refuse our own self of the knowledge that GOD desires to give to us. GOD won’t give anything to us that we’re not ready to receive! The question we must ask ourselves and GOD, what is holding you back GOD? What’s in my life that needs to go?

For anyone to think that from just simply watching something that is secular is not harmless has been affected by a deceptive spirit, and the Seducing spirit. If it’s secular, which BTW most of television is, and just covering our eyes/ears up when bad scenes are shown, doesn’t rid or stop it, so continuing it, is allowing it to be played out, and in turn allows hidden things to get into our minds.

My papaw use to always give the very best advice to me, he’d say “you become who you surround yourself with.” Believe it or not, if we take in filth and put into our minds, from music and television, what we take in, comes out sooner or later. It’s like eating too, if we over eat, then we are going to have obesity problems. Anything that we “over indulge in” unless it’s HOLY, (living on GOD’S WORD, not bread alone), then we must refuse it, because we cannot afford the hidden consequences from over indulging! Satan always will play down any type of sin too, just like he did right at the start of humanity in the garden when he did so with Eve!

Secular films invites not only the seducing spirit but also the deceptive spirit right into our homes. Deception Spirit refuses us to see truth! Deception makes us downplay that the television we are watching is harmless. But television is one of Satan’s favorite things of this world that he loves to use! This is a very easy tool too to keep us distracted. We can be so deceived too, that under the spirit of deception, we’ll make all types of excuses to continue watching it. That’s just one of many ways how the seducing and deceiving spirits work together to destroy us!

I use to watch any reality shows that had the housewives title in it. I figured out though (but not soon enough) just from “watching” how bad it was for me. I was watching their life unfold, rather if it were really real or not, I was watching, and while “sitting” with my life on my couch, I was allowing my life to PASS me by! Those two spirits were having full freedom too at my place!

During that time, while watching, my home life was falling apart at the seems. Whatever/whoever we spend the most of our time with is in fact an idol! We can even make our own family an idol if we are not knowledgeable of it!! GOD’S WORD says that we must not have ANY idols in our life! HIS greatest commandment says we are to love the LORD our GOD with all of our heart.- Deuteronomy 6:5, that’s saying that GOD is to be put first in our heart, in our life, no excuses and no exceptions! Nothing is more important than GOD! Nothing will ever be more important than GOD!

I had these certain TV shows in my life  that I would make the time to watch, so I was without knowledge of realizing that I was worshiping all sorts of idols through what simply appeared on the surface as harmless, but was a calculated plan to cause havoc in my life, and to sin against GOD. I know that this was a long read, but there was so much to say, and there is still so much more to say. This is a very real deal. I cannot express the severity of it enough, if left opened, no telling what may happen. A seducing spirit must be dealt with as soon as it is recognized.

KEEP WALKING UPRIGHTLY, AND KEEP LIVING FOR GOD, AND WITH GOD AND SEEKING HIS TRUTH. GOD’S SPIRIT will not remain in any unclean temple.  GOD’S presence cannot coexist within a home that’s filled with worldly possessions, and puffed up pride. We must be in constant evaluation of ourselves always.


More on this to come.

❤️ Shellie Maheu

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